Are You Getting the Right Things Done?

Kim Fowler
2 min readJul 18, 2021

We are all so busy, but are we really productive? Are the most important things getting done, or are we just putting out the fires and finishing mundane tasks? Here are eight simple ways to make sure that you are finishing your most important projects and tasks in order to stay focused on your biggest goals.

  1. Make a Master task list of everything you want to accomplish now and in the future. Break the list down into a Monthly list for the month ahead, and then create a weekly list and daily list. Checking off the items as you complete them will actually give you a boost of self-esteem.
  2. Focus on accomplishments, not activities. Resist the urge to clear up small things first. Work on high-priority tasks.
  3. Scientific research tells us that you lose stamina after about 90 minutes to 120 minutes of time focusing on something. Instead of blocking out an afternoon to work on a project, block out 50 minutes of time to focus on a project or task. After the 50 minutes, take 10 minutes away from what you are working on and do something physical.
  4. Take a look at the routine tasks that are not important, but have to be done. What can you do to get those off your list? For example, can you hire a housekeeper, or find a dry cleaner that delivers?
  5. Don’t let technology suck you in! How much time are you spending reading your emails? How many hours do you sit in front of the television just zoning out? Use your time productively by scheduling email time instead of reading everything as soon as it comes in.
  6. Stop multitasking! Focusing your time on one thing allows you to stay focused on that one activity until it is finished.
  7. Identify your energy cycles. When are you most productive? Are you a morning person or someone who likes to burn the midnight oil? Stay productive during your high-energy cycles and you will get more done.
  8. Use the energy flow. Now, I am going to contradict myself on point number three. I know I said to take breaks when working on projects, etc. however, sometimes we have an energy flow. We get started on a project and all of a sudden, the ideas are flowing and our energy is increased. Use these times to your advantage.

Kim Fowler, Health and Life Coach — You can download her free eBook, Design the Life You Were Meant to Have, and sign up for her newsletter by visiting

