Establish Your Set Points

Kim Fowler
2 min readAug 17, 2021

Every so often I read a really good book. This is one of them — The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani. In his book, he describes a system for living involving Non-Negotiable Set Points. Set Points are different from goals because goals move you forward to reach something better, whereas set points help you maintain what you already have. For instance, we often talk about weight loss as a goal, but someone who is at their ideal weight would have set points instead. Some examples of weight maintenance set points could be a number on the scale. It could be a certain belt loop or it might be your favorite pair of jeans getting too tight. It has to be something that you would notice often so that you wouldn’t get past your set point.

However, if you do get past your set point, the wonderful thing about set points is that they turn what is perceived as a failure into a challenge. Just remember that set points have to be quantifiable.

So, here are the steps to create your set points. First, identify the areas of your life that are going really well for you. Second, determine a set point for each area.
Third, test your setpoints and correct if you miss them. This is critical. If you don’t stay at your set point, you have to be disciplined enough to correct it. Figure out a plan beforehand that will help you get back to your set point as soon as possible. And, finally, ramp it up! If you do slip off your set point and get back to the normal set point, add a little bit more. If you have a normal set point at 150 on the scale, ramp it up to 149. Increase the challenge a very little bit — not enough to get discouraged.

Some examples might be —
Social Life: Stay in touch with a phone call to a friend once a week
Love Relationship: Frequency of date nights
Health and Fitness: A number on the scale
Family: Call your mom or dad twice a week
Spiritual: Try 15 minutes of meditation every morning

I hope you try this. See what works for you. It might be fun!

Kim Fowler, Health and Life Coach — You can download her free eBook, Design the Life You Were Meant to Have, and sign up for her newsletter by visiting

