Kim Fowler
2 min readSep 30, 2021

Have you given any thought to how 2021 is going to be different for you than 2020 was? Most people think about how they want their lives to be different next year, so they start thinking about goals and resolutions.

Instead of goals and resolutions, think about the habits you need to create (or stop) in order to change your life for the better. In order to really make big changes, sometimes it just takes small consistent action. What habits are holding you back from creating a better life for yourself? Maybe there are habits you just haven’t incorporated into your life yet, but you know if did, your life would be greatly improved. What’s stopping you from implementing those new habits? Are you afraid you will be stepping out of your comfort zone? Or, are you just too complacent to make the effort? Whatever it is, think about this…40% of our daily actions come from habits, not decisions (Duke University).

In my 12 years of life coaching, out of the eight main areas of our lives, (career/vocational, finances, health, family, environment, friends, spiritual, and hobbies/avocational) the one that most prominently stands out is health. My clients have come to me for a variety of reasons, but almost all of them had some type of health goal they wanted to reach. I also believe that our health is one of the most important areas in our life.

Health goals tend to be keystone goals, meaning they spill over into other areas of your life. For instance, if you have better health, you have more energy and mobility. Good health brings a deeper sleep and a better mood. You also have more stamina and feel younger. All of these benefits can help you with your relationships, career, hobbies, and volunteering. Good health saves you money that would be spent on medications, and time that is spent with doctors, etc. You also have fewer aches and pains when your health is good.

What health habits will you incorporate into your life in 2021? Join me in my next 90-day WILDFIT Challenge starting on January 4th. Click here for the details or see below. Don’t forget that I am offering a family and friends deep discount that is not being advertised to the general public.

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