Spring Clean Your Life

Kim Fowler
3 min readJul 3, 2021

This is the time of year when we start cleaning out our homes and cleaning up our yards. We want a fresh start for spring. We start looking at all the “stuff” we accumulated over the year and wonder how much of it we really need. Sometimes, we have items that we have held onto for years with the idea that one day we will use them (or fit into them) again. We do a thorough cleaning inside and out, and some of us even hire people to help us.

Unfortunately, most of us stop at our physical environment. We should really look at the rest of the areas of our lives that might need some “cleaning up” too. Here are some ideas for getting rid of some of your clutter in other areas of your life.

Schedule your yearly exams

When is the last time you had a mammogram? Pick up the phone and schedule your doctor’s appointments. Many of us get busy, and before you know it, we haven’t been to the gynecologist in four years. Don’t wonder or worry about your health. Get checked out regularly. I had an uncle who was so worried that he had cancer that he wouldn’t go to the doctor to find out.

Make a petty annoyance list

Is there a light bulb out in a particular closet? What about a broken hinge on a bathroom cabinet? These petty annoyances can really zap your energy! Every time you open that bathroom cabinet, you think, “I really have to get this fixed,” when you close the cabinet. How do you feel? It drains you a little. You probably don’t think about it again until you open that cabinet. You know that feeling. Keep a piece of paper with you for two to three days. Write down every little annoyance from the time you get up until the time you go to sleep. This will be a to-do list that will rid your life of these little energy zappers.

Clear your mind

You can clear your mind through meditation. Learn how to meditate so you can relax your mind and get more energy. Your mind will have more focused, clear thoughts, and getting rid of mind clutter can help in every area of your life.

Clean your diet

Write down everything you eat for a week. This exercise is great for determining if your diet is really healthy or unhealthy. Write down everything. You might be surprised at how sugar can secretly creep into your diet or maybe you are drinking more sodas than you realized. Are you eating plenty of vegetables and fruits? Are you drinking enough water? Eat clean by clearing the clutter from your diet.

Get rid of toxic relationships

Do you have any relationships that aren’t healthy? Think about the people you are around the most. Are they all bringing value to your life? Are they supportive of you? Do you enjoy being around them? Make sure that the people you allow in your life make you happy when you spend time with them, or teach you and support you. Don’t spend time around people who only think about themselves, make you uncomfortable, or waste your time.

Think about other clutter you experience. Are you holding on to guilt? Is there a way to resolve it, or do you need to get rid of those thoughts and move forward? Is there clutter in your life that is creating roadblocks? Give this some serious thought. Ridding your life of clutter — physically, mentally, and emotionally — will not only give you a clearer vision of what you want out of life but will open new doors to you. Get rid of the old clutter to make room for new wonderful opportunities.

Kim Fowler, Health and Life Coach — You can download her free eBook, Design the Life You Were Meant to Have, and sign up for her newsletter by visiting https://www.fowlercoaching.com.

